Firstly, I would like to thank the members who stuck this one out. The plan consisted of a mix of country/rural driving mixed with highways to cover the majority of the distance. Although the plan had been thought out, test driven and checked, things always find a way to go wrong!
Immediately off the start of this journey we encountered the TruckersMP Halloween event. Unfortunately, I could not have foreseen this being there and the traffic caused by this was less than ideal. The insane amounts of traffic caused a large amount of waiting with little progress for a significant time in the beginning.
That being said, upon passing the event, progress sped up. The decision was made to skip the originally planned detour just outside of Dijon in order to arrive at the destination sooner due to the time spent in the traffic. Instead, we toured through Lyon and the surrounding area which provided us with some beautiful scenery and nice sections of driving highway.
Although this may have not been the smoothest convoy ever, the only way is up from here! The small turnout did not deter us from completing this drive and all the mishaps along the way were solved together. I would like to thank all those who joined this convoy – it provided interesting complications which we overcame as a team! I look forward to seeing drivers at the next convoy.
Until next time, happy trucking!!